Friday, April 30, 2010

So Hard....

Today I have been thinking and remembering the days when My Sister was just a short drive away, and I could just go pop over there anytime I wanted to.
Well, as all of you know they live in Palm Springs now, and Today is just a hard day.
I just need a Sister hug, and a few minutes to just go over there and sit on the couch and just chat like sisters do.
Or maybe go take a class at the the gym.
(Which we did while i was in Palm Springs, and we got schooled by the 60 year old ladies!)
She is not only my sister, but My Best Friend, and I just had to vent a little that I miss her like crazy! And just need her here!
Here we are with the babes of the family!
(Carter was very tired! But, still rockin' the pony!)

Love you Sister!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Umm...thanks for making me bawl.Silly sister. Sure love you and miss you so very much. Please can it be next week already???xoxoxoxo