Sunday, January 30, 2011

Homemade Perogies!!!!

Today was so much fun!!!!
My Mom and family friend were over at my house and we made Homemade Perogies.
Perogies are a Polish dumpling, and are DELISHHHHHH!!!!
Best invention EVER!
We usually buy them frozen in a box at the store, but they are so much better homemade!
*Please excuse that I am still in my pajamas and need a shower!
(Incase you missed it, the KitchenAid in the pic is MINE!!!!! It was my Christmas gift from Sherri and Dave!!LOVE IT)

 *This was only half of what we made!  At least I have some in my freezer so I can eat them WHENEVER I want!
*I made lunch!  They were so stinkin' good!
*Gage loves "Rogies" especially on his Valentine's plate!
He is in the middle of giving me his "Face"

I so enjoyed today, but now my back is hurting I was on my feet for too long in the kitchen barefoot!

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Park

We have been loving the weather this week, and the park is such a fun way to get some of Gage's energy out!!! Too bad by the time we get there I am totally out of breath!!!!
*I knew Gage was strong...but he is for sure just hanging on the bars!  He thought he was BIG stuff.
 *Playing Soccer with Daddy!

*He can NEVER go down the slide on his buns..always on the tummy!

*Just loving the freedom!

I just love these times with Gage!  It is so fun!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

18 Months!

Here is Gage on the way to the Doctor for his 18 month appointment!
So crazy that he is already that BIG!!!!
We are so lucky to have such an amazing, smart, funny, entertaining, and CRAZY boy!
Everyday Gage is learning new "Tricks" and reminding us that he WILL pick up on everything that we do!

The 18 Month Stats:
Height: 33 inches- 75th Percentile
Weight: 25 lbs- 40th Percentile
Head Circumference: 18.5 inches- 25th Percentile

We Love you Gage!!!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

It only gets better!

This face is only getting better by the day.
I figured I better document each new addition to "The Face"
Now we get the chin tuck, and the lips all scrunched!

Gotta Love This!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

29 weeks!

It is so exciting to know that in less than 3 months Little Miss Princess will be here for me to snuggle!
I am 29 weeks, and getting bigger by the day!
But, for sure not as big as I was with Gage!

Friday, January 14, 2011

What an accomplishment!

I made my own diaper bag!!!!!!
Totally did all the sewing and all the "Fun" stuff!
I am very impressed with how it turned out!
Thanks Sherri for being my "Coach" today!
I had so much fun and I love that I actually did it!

I am totally tempted to use it!
But, I am going to just have to wait for Little Miss to get here!
Only 78 more days....So CRAZY!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I am SO in for it!

Well its official, I am NOW starting to get pay back for all the mean faces I gave my parents growing up!
When you ask Gage "Make your face Gage."
or if I tell him not to get on the dining room table,
or if I ask him to hand me something.
This is what you get!
It is so funny, We have a hard time keeping a straight face, so right now I am enjoying the funny faces...but I know that soon enough there will be some sass to go along with it!

This kid cracks me up all day long!  I SOOOO Love it!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Exciting news!!!!

This Sister of mine, Is
July 2nd!
Exactly 3 months from my due date with Little Miss!!!!
It seems that our family can not let just 1 grandchild be born at a time we have to go in pairs!
Gage and Carter are 6 weeks apart to the day...
Who knows how far apart these babes will be!!!!
I can not wait until her ultrasound to see what she is having this time!!!!!
So excited to be an Aunt again!
"Aunt Brett" is pretty excited too! ( Cash always calls him that! Too funny!)
Love you Sister!


Tuesday, January 4, 2011


As of the past 2 days, Gage has decided that he ENJOYS taking pictures now!
What a concept!
So he will walk around and have a huge smile on his face and say....
 Has to be JUST like Dad! I love it!

It is pretty dang funny!

He is so much fun!  We just eat him up everyday!

27 Weeks!

I have been so bad this time about taking pictures to keep my blog updated about how big I am getting!

This is 27 weeks and 4 days!  
It's so hard to believe that she will be here in 88 days!

Oh and YES I got some new hair!
Kylie did my hair last night, and I am LOVING the change!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

2010 With Gage!

2010 Has been such a fun year, watching our "Baby" turn in to a "Big Boy" right before our eyes!
It's amazing to think that just 1 year ago he was not walking, not talking, and for sure Not getting in to everything around here!
January: Gage got his 1st tooth!  Such a milestone!
February:  Sitting up on his own, and the army crawl!
March: Really started to eat ALOT!
 April: 1st Easter, began to crawl for real!
May: Loved swimming in Barbie's pool!
June: Finger painting with whatever he was eating on his tray! (He still does this!)
July: Turned 1, had a BIG party! Found out Gage LOVES cake!
 August: 1st "Real" injury, the laundry basket bit him on the nose!
 September: Started to help Dad do work out side. (An all time favorite still!)
 October: Went Trick-Or-Treating for the 1st time, Gage was a golfer!
 November: 1st time to Zoo Lights!  So much to look at!
December: Get his 1st bike for Christmas!

See Ya Later 2010!
Hello 2011!!!!!