Friday, June 24, 2011

Father's Day!

I know it's late, but I still have to document it!
For Father's day this year we celebrated early with Brett's Dad and the rest of the family on Saturday.  We went swimming, and had lunch over at Brett's Parents house.  
 Harper and Grandpa
 The Dad's and their Kiddos!
 Harper and Daddy
On Father's Day we had a very lazy and relaxing morning!  We had french toast for breakfast and then we made a batch of Homemade Oreos!!! I had lots of help in the kitchen!!!!

 Gage was obviously looking at something much more important that ME! haha
 During the baking process...the Boys were licking the beaters, and Gage liked that more than the actual cookies!
 Finished product!
On Sunday Brett had to work so the kids and I went over to see my Dad, and hangout for a while!  My sister and her family are here so it was fun to get a picture with 5 of the 8.5 grandkids!
(9 By Wednesday!!!!!)
Papa with the kids!

Happy Father's Day!!!!


Thursday, June 23, 2011


Harper went in the pool for the 1st time on Tuesday!
She LOVED it!
My sister is here, to have my newest nephew, so we are having lots on cousin time, swimming and hanging out!  So we decided it was time for Harp to swim with us!  
 *HAHA that hat kills me!
 *10 seconds after wrapping her in the towel...ASLEEP!
*Gage and Daddy!

We have so much more swimming to do this week!  I will have LOTS of pictures!



Last week we had a very special day for Harper!
She got her ears pierced!!! 
It was so easy, after talking to our pediatrician and him suggesting to take her to either Claire's or Icing(He said they are the cleanest places he knows about!) to get it done, it was decided that we needed to take her!  She did AMAZING!!! She cried for about 15 seconds, and that was it!
She does great when I have to clean them, and she just looks so stinkin' cute with her earrings!
 *After!!!! I know you can't see them, those dang cheeks!
*I can only get 1 side in a picture at a time...her Cheeks hide both if i get a picture straight on!!!
But we are all loving Harper's Big Girl Earrings!!!!


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Palm Springs 2011

The Kids and I went to Palm Springs for a few days to see my sister and her Fam, and we had so much fun!
 *Swimming! The Kids LOVED it!
 *Sprinkler on the tramp!
 *They are getting too big!
 *These 2 are a trip for sure! (Can you get enough of Carter's hair???)
 *Harper got ALL the attention she could ever want!
*Meal times were fun with 4 kiddos!

We had lots of fun with everyone, and Gage keeps asking where "TI-HEE" is.  Or better known as Tiffy!
Now get your booties out here, we miss you guys!!!!


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

2 Months Old!

I seriously can not believe that Harper is 2 Months old already!
It seems like last week I was still prego.
Harper these days:
*Smiles like CrAzY!
*A very good eater!
*For sure my Diva child when it comes to diaper changes, the minute she is wet, She lets you know!
*She sleeps about 5 1/2 to 6 hours at night!
*She loves to get lotion after her bath!  
*She giggles at Gage!

2 Month Stats:
Height: 23 1/4 inches 75th %
Weight: 11 lbs 8 oz 60th %
(Don't you just want to squeeze and kiss those cheeks all day?!?)

She did good with her shots. And Gage LOVED her Band-aids!

Stradle the Bellies!

This past week The Kids and I ventured over to Palm Springs to visit with Tyf and her Fam!
It was so fun! (More on that Later!)

But I have to document these!
This was when I was prego with Gage and Carter was probably about a month old here!
I look HUGE! But, This is one of my favorites! and My Mom and sister agree!

So of course I HAD to get a picture of Aunt Tiffy with Harper stradling her belly!
Harper is 2 1/2 months old here!!!

More Pics of Palm Springs to come!