Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Weekend!

We had a very fun and low key Easter this year!
Which was perfect because I know from now on ALL holidays will be crazy!!!
This year Gage was too young for the "whole Easter shabang!"
We did Easter with Brett's family on Saturday, it was so fun to watch how Gage is starting to interact with his cousins!
Gage was playing pretty rough with Kyle, (Thanks to Carter!!! She taught Gage everything he knows! HAHA!) Sorry Kyle!! We Love You!
*Gage opening his Easter basket at Grandma Sherri and Grandpa Dave's house!
Apparently Gage thinks he can have Reese'e Pieces!
He LOVED that it was in a bag that made noise!!
*This ply wood sign was made by Sherri's Dad made a long time ago, and she still decorates with it!
So fun to have pictures with it!
On Sunday morning we went to church with Barbie, Papa and Uncle!
It was so fun to spend Easter Morning with them!!!!

*Sunday Morning after church!
I am actually in a picture for once! YAY

*Don't ask about the face! HAHA
He kept looking at Barbie pretty upset that that Carrot didn't taste like a Carrot!

Barbie and I were laying out in the backyard, getting a start on our tans for this year!
Gage got to "Swim" in his pool, in the buff with Uncle!
This kid LOVES to be naked!
He was in heaven! Otter Pop in hand and he was having a ball!

Hope everyone's Easter was great!

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