Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Ok, so this was just too funny tonight!
Gage was eating his dinner, and all the sudden... he would not take anymore bites...
and this is the face I got!
*Gage was getting his business done, sitting in his highchair!!

*This was just too funny to pass up!
I was cracking up!(And Brett wasn't home, so I was by my self laughing!)
I Love being a Mom!

These are our stockings that I stitched our names on!
In my family we grew up with 3 foot tall stockings, and We want to continue that with our kids!

*Just a close up! I am very proud of this project!!!!!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

your stockings and valance are adorable!!! I love them. Okay...come visit so we can do lots of "projets" together! Great job sister...and great job capturing G-money "working it out!" xoxoxoxo miss u guys...but not the smell of "his business!"