Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Halloween is such a fun time of year.. in most places the weather changes and the leaves start to fall...but here in Arizona, we wear short sleeves and worry that our kids will be too hot in their costumes...not too cold!!!!
But, this year was quite a change for us, before kids Halloween is all about going to parties with you friends and staying out really late!
Now that we have Gage, holidays have for sure changed for the better! I could not ask for anything better than watching my son on his first Halloween!
It was so much fun!
Every year we carve pumpkins at my parents house!
Brett is a master at carving pumpkins, so my mom and I always try to find something fun for him to do!

*Family Picture at Mom's with Brett's super cool Pumpkin!!!!
(Gage wasn't a fan of being inside the pumpkin!!!!)

Barbie got Gage this way cute ghost onsie, and it was a little tight around the thighs.... But so fun!
*This is Gage with his cousin Kyle(Brett's brother's youngest!)
*Grandma Sherri made bibs for them and they were so cute!
*Uncle is so smart! He rigged a wagon to the back of his bike so that Reese and Cash could ride and not take FOREVER! We Learned that last year!!!!!!

* Now this is the soldier that I would want to defend e!!!!!
His costume was made by yours truly!!!!!
It was so much fun to make it!(I did Cash's too!)
He was just SOOO DANG CUTE~!!!!

More pics to come of all the kids!!!!!

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