Sunday, November 8, 2009

1st Anniversary and MORE!!!!

It is so hard to believe that 1 year ago today Brett and I were getting married!!!
It was such a special day and I would never change that day for anything!!!!!
Sorry I don't have any pictures for us all to reminisce about the earlier days of our relationship...but our other computer died with all the pictures on it.
(my pictures are still safe, i just can;t get to them today.)
In one year we have done so many things...including turning our house in to a home, and bringing the most beautiful BIG MAN (baby boy) in to this world! We have grown closer and our love has grown stronger as we start our family. I can't wait to have TONS more years just like this one!
I Love you Brett! You are an amazing husband, and a wonderful Daddy!

On a different note....G Money decided to make our anniversary just a little sweeter today....
He goes from his back to his tummy, and he does it EVERY time I put him down on his back, so it wasn't just a fluke!!!!!Align CenterBrett and I were so excited, and we are just amazed to watch our son grow and become a little boy!!!!! It is so fun!!!!!!*Before the big event!!!!!!!

*And After!!!!!
He was so proud of himself! It was so Cute!!!!

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