Sunday, September 6, 2009


Brett and I know we have to get Gage a Bumbo, but we wanted to be sure that
he was able to sit up in it before we went and bought it.
We were at Tyf's the other day, and our little G-Money was sitting up in the
Bumbo all by himself! It was so weird to see him sitting up!

*He may not be as BEEFY as Carter Girl, but he is catching up!
*G-Unit and Carter Girl!(Note Carter's Pony!)
*Mom and Tyf came over to help me paint our bedroom!(More Pics of that later!)
*Since Gage still had "Breast Milk Jaundice" at his last Dr. Appt. We have to supplement
1 feeding a day with formula. (P.s. It Smells.)
**But Reese got to help feed Baby Gage and she was SO EXCITED!!!!! and she did amazing!


Lcurls said...

I love those bumbo things, it helps alot when you have put them down for a second, when they dont wanna lay down. I've babysat newborns before, and i love them when they are all tiny! your baby is so cute brittany! its crazy to see you with a baby, but i love it. I love reading your blog about your cute little baby:)
gage is a way cute name too, and not very many babies have it, which is nice too;)

Tiffany said...

seriously love: (a)carter's pony
(b)gage's sweet hairline (thanks brett) (c)that carter looks ginormous next to gagers (d) reese's ear to ear grin when she got to feed g (e) having cousins so close in age...LOVE IT ALL!!! (& love you gys too!xoxoxo)

Jules said...

WOW!! Gage is catching up to Carter, I hardly believe that is really him - it's amazing what a few weeks does to a baby!!
What is 'breast milk jaundice'?? How is he doing with formula??

Brett & Brittany Searles said...

Breast milk jaundice makes the baby hold on to the Billy Ruben that is in their blood and doesn't allow it to be flushed out. It is pretty rare, so when that happens you just have to give them formula a couple times a day, he take it fine, its not his favorite...but its food! I know he is huge! he is changing everyday!