Friday, March 5, 2010

Fabric Books from Bi-Bi!

For as long as I have known Brett, I can remember him bringing up his Grandmother,
Who everyone called Bi-Bi.(This is Sheri's Mom)
She past away a few years before I met Brett,
But, He was SO close to her!
When I hear about her the most praise she gets is for her
amazing talent on the sewing machine,
and that makes me SO sad that I never got to meet her ( and learn from her!)
Sherri says she was the best seamstress!(So jealous!)

When Brett was a baby Bi-Bi had sewn together some Really Fun Books for him!
The books came on one big piece of fabric and you cut and sew them together!
When Sherri told me that we could have them and take them to our house it made me
It is so awesome to have things for my kids that belonged to Brett or I when
we were kids!

On the back of the books it is embroidered...

For Brett Alan
Love Bi-Bi


*Gage LOVES that he can eat them!!!

*I love that I can throw them in the washer!!!!

Thanks Sherri for letting us have these at our house!! We LOVE them!

1 comment:

Home-style Hodepodge said...

girl, i cannot believe how big he is!