Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I have been thinking how funny it is that before babies start to move, We, as parents want them to move and do new things so quickly...But then they start crawling and exploring everything!!!
Which I love watching Gage learn new things, Don't get me wrong...
But, Seriously this kid is SPEEDY!
Gage went from not moving very much and for sure not wanting to stand up...
To pulling up on everything in his reach in 1 day! So crazy!

*Standing up in his crib.
Mr. Big Stuff!

*This is where Gage was while I was washing dishes!

Too funny!!!!
More Pictures Later!!!


Home-style Hodepodge said...

Oh my! This is what Ive been dealing with. I miss when I could lay him on the bed, walk away, and come back to a baby on his back in the same spot. I can't leave our doors open cause Owyn jets out!

That boy is so flippin cute. And BIG! I love how his hair is chaning color! I need to see that little nugget soon.

Tiffany said...

Big boy baby Gagers! I bet Carter taught you some new moves. Gotta love cousins!miss you,little mister!!! xoxoxo