Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Harper turned 1 last week, here is what She is doing now!
* Walking/Running
*Eats like there is NO TOMORROW!
*Refuses to sign Please and Thank You
*Words she says: Yes (with a head nod), Daisy, Dad, Gage, Ma, More, Eat, Bob (or Barb) haha
*She for sure knows when she doesn't want something, and will give a very serious head shake.
*She insists on trying everything Gage does. Even golfing, and she actually hits the ball!
*Goes up the stairs perfectly, going down...we are still working on that one!
*She can get off the bed.
*LOVES baths
*Adores her cousins!
*Her favorite playmate right now is my parents dog, Daisy! 
*She jumps on the tramp!
*She tries to do a forward roll! (Puts her head on the bed and insists you push her over!)
*She is the best sleeper I know! (12 hours at night!)
*Obsessed with Babies right now. And pushing her baby stroller.

Now for an update on Gage!  
*Still obsessed with Baseball.
*Totally potty trained (except at night, but we are SOOOO close!)
*Is not a fan of swimming this summer..... that will change soon. Hopefully!
*Such a great helper with Harper.
*Is becoming a better eater, slowly but its happening!
*Would eat 10 bananas a day if i would let him.
*He is Daddy's helper with EVERY project he does! Its so dang cute!
*Gage is already asking when he can go to school, August isn't coming fast enough for him!
*Knows his ABC's and all the letter sounds.
*Counts in English and Spanish. Thanks Dora and Diego!
*Loves to wash dishes.
*Attempts to Fold laundry!
*Gage is ALWAYS willing to help in the kitchen!

I am loving the stage we are in right now!  The kids are so excited to play together and I love that!  They both get giddy when the other one just wakes up, or comes home!  
Love these 2!


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Harper's 1st Birthday Party!

On Sunday we celebrated our Sweet Harper Jo's 1st Birthday!!!
It was such a fun day to have so many people that Love her, here to share the day with us!
 *Seriously...Could this outfit be any cuter???
 *She was such a HAM!  She wanted everyone to take her picture!
 *Jo Jo LOVESSSSS her Uncle!
 *The treat table
 *She refused to leave Aunt Tiffy until that cookie was GONE!
 *Eating her ISHHHHH (ICE)
 *Not too sure what to think of her Cake!
 *Ready to dig in!
 *Now she's got the hang of it!
 *Holy Cake! 
*Gage had so much fun playing and eating treats all night!

We really enjoyed having the people we love around us for Harper's Special Day!
She got lots of enough to have a small daycare at my house!  And she loves each one!
She also got lots of clothes, that she of course LOVED! haha 
Harper (and Gage) got an awesome table with stools!  That Harper thinks she is Big Stuff when she gets up on the stools by her self!  
But her favorite I think are the My Little Ponies that talk.  She thinks those are AWESOME!

Happy Birthday Party Day Sweet Jo Jo!!!
We Sure Love you to pieces!!!!


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Catch Up...Again

Ok, No more apologies, or promises to be a better blogger!  
Because it just won;t happen right now.  But I am trying!
So here is an update in pictures!
She giggles and dances the entire time she rides!

Seriously, he melts my heart.

Riding the Bee at the park!
Chubby Finger!

Harper loves the stroller!

They are so funny when they are getting ready for bed!

Rooster hair (After a pony all day!)


Loving her Big Girl Shoes!
Harper and Daddy at the park!

Building guns with his blocks.

Horns (after piggies all day!)

The outfit...Seriously??

Crazy Hair...Again!

Big Smile!!!

Just because I love this picture!

Harper has 4 top teeth now!  So crazy!  She is getting more brave everyday with the attempting to walk.  She is still timid with it.  But it will be soon. 
Gage is still obsessed with baseball!  And is VERY in to writing right now.  
I think he writes about 100 G's everyday.
My favorite thing he says is, "Mom, looks at my G's's." and it comes out "Mom, Look at my JESUS!" it is so cute and so funny I just love all the changes in both of them right now!
Life is hectic and very fun!
And I so enjoy spending everyday with my crazy kids!!!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Christmas 2011

I am so behind on my blogging...and so I am going to slowly try to catch up!
Christmas was so exciting this year!!! 
We were able to spend time with both of our families, and Brett's sister LaNette and our niece Anna came from Oklahoma for Christmas!  It was so much fun to have them here!
My parents got a new puppy right before Christmas, her name is Daisy, and I am pretty sure she and Harper will be Best Friends forever!  She is so dang cute!  (Pictures of her to come!)
We are so lucky that Brett's parents and neighbors "Know" Santa really, really, really well! And we get to have a little meeting with him, and the kids get to talk to him and take pictures every year!!! It is so nice to NOT go to the stinkin' mall!  We did that on Christmas Eve, and Tyf came with her kids too!  It was so fun!
We went to church, the music was amazing!!! And I just love listening to the message about Christmas...I think its really easy to get caught up in all the "Excitement" and forget why we celebrate!  
Christmas Eve was spent at Brett's parents house.  It was CrAzY with the kids, but it was so fun to be around family!
My parents and Austin stayed at our house Christmas Eve, and were here with us Christmas morning!
That was so fun!
Gage and Harper got a Trampoline from Santa!!!!!
Harper got a singing, rocking giraffe!!!!!!!
Gage got an Airport-Train Set!
They both are still in love with all their new that means Christmas was successful! haha

We made gingerbread houses with some cousins!
LaNette, Harp, Brett and Anna
Grandma and Harper

Daddy and Harper Jo Jo!

Pop-Pop and Harper Christmas Morning!!

Just for Fun!
Too Stinkin' cute!

Santa brought a Trampoline!!!!

Santa also brought a Rocking Giraffe!

Just because her Palm Tree is Perfect!

I LoVe this guy so much!

Barbie and Pop-Pop's clan with Santa!

Family Picture!!!!!!

having soooo much fun! Santa did Good!

Loving the Tramp!

She seriously LOVES the giraffe!
Santa brought an Airport Train set!

He is in LoVe

I am going to really try to be better with my blogging!!!