Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Harper turned 1 last week, here is what She is doing now!
* Walking/Running
*Eats like there is NO TOMORROW!
*Refuses to sign Please and Thank You
*Words she says: Yes (with a head nod), Daisy, Dad, Gage, Ma, More, Eat, Bob (or Barb) haha
*She for sure knows when she doesn't want something, and will give a very serious head shake.
*She insists on trying everything Gage does. Even golfing, and she actually hits the ball!
*Goes up the stairs perfectly, going down...we are still working on that one!
*She can get off the bed.
*LOVES baths
*Adores her cousins!
*Her favorite playmate right now is my parents dog, Daisy! 
*She jumps on the tramp!
*She tries to do a forward roll! (Puts her head on the bed and insists you push her over!)
*She is the best sleeper I know! (12 hours at night!)
*Obsessed with Babies right now. And pushing her baby stroller.

Now for an update on Gage!  
*Still obsessed with Baseball.
*Totally potty trained (except at night, but we are SOOOO close!)
*Is not a fan of swimming this summer..... that will change soon. Hopefully!
*Such a great helper with Harper.
*Is becoming a better eater, slowly but its happening!
*Would eat 10 bananas a day if i would let him.
*He is Daddy's helper with EVERY project he does! Its so dang cute!
*Gage is already asking when he can go to school, August isn't coming fast enough for him!
*Knows his ABC's and all the letter sounds.
*Counts in English and Spanish. Thanks Dora and Diego!
*Loves to wash dishes.
*Attempts to Fold laundry!
*Gage is ALWAYS willing to help in the kitchen!

I am loving the stage we are in right now!  The kids are so excited to play together and I love that!  They both get giddy when the other one just wakes up, or comes home!  
Love these 2!


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