Friday, February 12, 2010

My Sweet Boy!

We are having such an amazing week here at the Searles House!
We found out that Brett got a new position at work!!!!
I am so proud of him!!!!
Gage is crazy and all over the place! We are loving it!
This teething process really isn't our favorite..but we are getting through it!
Gage used to Love to play with the toys on his saucer... now he just likes to sit in the "bowl" part!
It was too funny to see how proud of himself he was once he got in there!

*He did it! haha
*This smile is just the best!!!!!
We can't seem to get enough of it!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Home-style Hodepodge said...

thats so funny, owyn does the same thing! And he pulls him self up to standing position on EVERYTHING! It's impossible to keep up with those little nuggets!

Cute pics