Saturday, May 30, 2009


Ok, I know it's been like 3 weeks since I have updated the blog, so I am just going to put lots of stuff in one post! A couple of weeks ago I was at my sister's house and her kids wanted to go "SHWIMMING" but obviously if we weren't getting in they couldn't get in the pool, but Tyf told them to play in the hose! not 5 minutes later we look out side and find this!

What else do you do but just go grab your camera and capture these funny moments!
The best part about the whole thing, is that Cash is insistent on wearing his "SHUIT" or swim suit, but then once it gets wet, he has to take it off! SOO FUNNY! I just love these kids!

Austin's baseball team did very well this season and is now in the playoffs, and Brett and I have tried to go to as many games as possible! Brett loves going and I know Austin really likes it when Brett is there, I am pretty sure he doesn't care if I show up! But I still enjoy going to watch him play and watch him improve! He is getting so good and it's so much more fun to watch now that he is older!
Here a couple pic's of "UNCLE" in "ALL HIS JUNK" as Reese puts it!
And lastly, for Mother's Day we went to eat at Olive Garden with Brett's side of the family, and that was really fun becuase Sherri's best friend Belinda had come in and surprised me for the baby shower!!!! It was so great to see her and have her here for Mother's Day!
This is Brett and I celebrating "my 1st Mother's Day" It's really weird to think that in 9 weeks we will have our little man here! We are very excited and can't wait!

*We are now going to the doctor every 2 weeks, and that just means that it's getting close! It's so fun putting together all the baby stuff, and getting "Syrup's" room all ready for him, even though he wont be sleeping in there for a couple of months!
Here is Daddy hard at work putting together the Bassinet!
He is LOVING putting together all the fun baby stuff that is needed!
I am so glad that he doesn't mind doing it! He's amazing! I love you babe!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Baby Shower!!!!

Yesterday was my baby shower, and it was so much fun! I got to see lots of people that i haven't seen in months.. and WOW were they surprised and what they saw! It was so fun to just have lots of friends together, and get to chat! Julie planned out games, and they were really fun! They measured my belly with toilet paper, and we guessed what kind of baby food was in each jar, and let me tell you... I am NOT good at that game! They all looked the same to me! Apple sauce and bananas look the same in the jar! Don't hold that against me! The menu consisted of all my favorite snack foods, Rolled tortilla sandwiches, chips and dip, fruit and dip, veggies and dip, meatballs, potato salad, and of course my mom's pistachio salad!!!! MY FAVORITE! The food was amazing, (Thanks Mom, Tyf, and Sherri!)
Mom and I before the shower!

Tyf and I at the shower!It was such a fun day! And i could not have asked for anything more! All my friends came and we had a blast! Good food and good company!
I will post more pictures when i get them from other people! I only had a couple on my camera!

P.S. We are in week 28 now! Crazy stuff!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Never Again!!!

Alright, So today was the day that we had to go sit at the lab for
an hour for the glucose test... And let me tell you right now,
I will NEVER drink Orange Soda just for kicks again!
She handed me the bottle I smelled it,( wanted to gag)
and then I just downed the whole bottle in less than 30 seconds.
I am so glad that It is over, and that I will not have to do that again
until the next pregnancy! WOO HOO!
*On top of drinking that sugar filled, nasty drink the whole time
we were waiting the hour in the lab, "Syrup" was going CRAZY!
the sugar must have put him on a high! So funny!
*It is such a great feeling to have him moving and kicking,
(As long as it's not on my bladder!)
*Oh speaking of bladder, the other day I told Reese that her
cousin was sitting on my bladder. Her response of course was,
"What's a bladder?"
So Reese and I had a conversation about bladders!
I told Tyf she would probably go to pre-school the next day
explaining to her 3 year old friends what a bladder was!
***Perfect I am doing my job as an Aunt!***