Thursday, September 22, 2011

6 months and 2 years old!

My girlfriend Chelsea who took Harper's newborn pictures, was nice enough to offer to take some family pictures for us! 
We haven't had any pictures taken since Harper was born, it is so nice to document!  I HAVE GOT to be better at it!  (Maybe I need a sweet camera!!!!)
Here are my favorites!
 *Gage 2 Years Old!
 *Harper 6 Months Old!
 *Lovin' his friends dump truck!
 *Family pictures are REALLY hard with little ones!  (My Mom WILL go with us next time!) haha
Love this!

Thanks Again Chelsea!!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Gage and Carter

I am so happy that Gage loves his cousins so  much.  He and Carter are only 6 weeks apart, and they act like twins, play like siblings and love each other SOOO much!  
Even though they argue pretty much about everything, it is so amazing to watch these two CrAzY toddlers grow up together!  I can't wait for Harper and Graham to have this same type of relationship!
While Tyf and her fam were moving back to AZ, Carter came to stay with us for a couple of days. Mostly because the thought of moving anywhere with a 2 year old right under my feet almost made me want to cry, So Tyf just needed that stress gone!  We had so much fun!
 We went to this awesome Bounce place!  It was so much fun, and they both LOVED it!                        ( We have already been back!  This is about 2 weeks old...I know I am a horrible blogger!)

 *Playing Basketball!
 *Not having any fun at all!
 *Harper climbing the ropes!

Now that Tyf lives so close it is so nice to have Play dates and let the kids play!  
Last week we took Carter with us to the zoo!
 *They were both obsessed with the cow. And were mad they couldn't pet it.
 *Petting the goats.
 *The turkey.
*As Gage put it, "The BIG, BIG horse!"

And if you are curious...The Cowboy Boots are worn by Gage EVERYDAY!
He is OBSESSED with them, and the noise they make on the tile!

More later!!!
We had family pictures taken, so I will post those soon!!!