Sunday, September 26, 2010

Palm Springs!

This past week, Gage and I took a trip to Palm Springs to visit my Sister and her Family!!
It was so much fun!!!!!
Tyf has a very busy schedule with Reese in Kindergarten, Cash in Preschool, and both in Gymnastics! It was fun to just go along with the usual stuff and just be with Her.
We spent ALOT of time just talking, and not doing any of the projects we had planned on doing!
But, we were totally OK with that!

Gage had a blast playing with his cousins, and as He and Carter get older.... They are more Double Trouble!!!! So funny!!!
*Cash talking to his coaches at Gym!
*Reese doing awesome!!!!
(On Thursdays, My sister coaches the team at the Gym, So Reese works out with the Team Girls!!!She is doing so AMAZING!!!!)

*Carter Yoodle! She doesn't keep anything in her hair for longer than 10 seconds, so I HAD to snap a few pictures!
When she is all done up like this, with out her curls, she looks so much like Reese did at this age!!!

We had so much fun!
Thanks Tyf for having us!!!!

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